Wednesday, May 20, 2009

City Chicanos Make a Man Wanna Holla

Walking home just now I walked past one of the BAZILLION construction sites on my block and for a split second I swore I heard Marah's Long Hot Summer wafting above me. and my head snapped up and I looked to listen; there were some Chicano (or Mexican, or Latino, whatever; just once in my fucking life can I pull off using the word "Chicano"? Please?) dudes walking on beams, working. And a split second later the sound went away, I have no idea what it was. Tho I'm pretty sure there's not a lot of Chicano (NAILed it!!) construction workers out here jamming to unrecorded, unreleased Marah songs. But now the song's in my head and I like it and I wanna hear it so here it fucking is.

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