Wednesday, May 20, 2009

End of a Fat Era

Looks like Rush Limbaugh is resigning as head of the GOP:
So, I now pass the baton to Gen. Powell as the titular head of the Republican party.

That is such a weird thing to say, cause RUSH LIMBAUGH HAS HUMONGOUS TITS!!!!! I mean jesus; it's like he's got two fanny packs filled with sand up there, right? Being in a room with him is like being in a room with a keg of milk. An interesting thing to say, I think.

Also a strange thing to say:
“It’s not an office I sought, it was a position that rather was ladled onto me…"

A ladle is HOW RUSH LIMBAUGH EATS HIS MELTED-DOWN LARD CHITLIN PUFFS!!!!! I wonder why he'd bring that up. I mean, here's a guy that uses a ladle to hold up his tits so an intern can spray some deodorant underneath, and he uses "ladled" in his "Farewell to the Troops" speech. I am interested to see how thus turns out.

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