Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Fuck This Faggot

I've been aware of Perez Hilton's douchebaggy, over the top nonsense re: Miss California's answer about gay marriage in some pageant nobody cares about the Miss USA Pageant, questioning the absurdity of such a question in the first place HERE:
I guess Queen Perez is bent outta shape over Miss California's answer re: gay marriage in the Miss USA pageant, or whichever the fuck pageant it was that nobody gives a shit about. Cause yeah, I guess we should get angry and take seriously someone's answer on social and constitutional policy while they're parading around in bikinis so we can try to catch a little cameltoe. Hmm.

But last night I heard her quote over the radio while kinda paying attention for the first time:
"I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other ... same sex marriage or opposite marriage," then added, "I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman ... that's how I was raised."

See that? "I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other."

I'm sorry, but is there nothing more American than that? "I don't agree with you, but I'm glad the choice is yours." Instead, Perez is villifying her for no other reason than not really making the same choice as HIM.

Dipshit has done himself and other gay people a disservice by running contrary to what their argument is, which is about CHOICE. He is doing the same thing as GOP members who want you to believe that anyone who is pro-choice is running around trying to crank out a dozen abortions a day. Do I love abortion? No. Am I glad women have a choice? Absolutely. Is the thought of two dudes fucking and being married strange to me? Sure. Am I glad they have that choice and it's accompanying rights? Absolutely. Is Perez a fucking dumbass? Absolutely.

And ripping somebody apart for believing that only men & women should marry is no better than ripping someone apart for believing only gay people should be married. As long as someone believes people should have the CHOICE of marrying who they want and should be protected by the same rights as anybody else, whether or not a person AGREES with that choice, then that should be enough. It's about rights and choice, not kum-by-yah hugging sessions with rainbows and clouds shaped like cutesy animals.

Also, his choice of words such as "dumb bitch" and "cunt" are interesting coming from someone who will spend hours tearjerking you off with tales of how he was called "fag" and "queer" every day of his life.


The Gnat said...

She was hung out to dry by the media as usual. The gay community seems to need bugaboos to villify when many people could really care less what they do.

Xmastime said...

and now she has to kinda grab the whole marriage thing as "her crusade", when im sure she never thought twice about it before. as opposed to, say, getting kids to read or something.

Kiko Jones said...

I completely agree w/your post re: Perez Douchebag. As for Miss California, someone with fake boobs is not the most appropriate of people to be commenting on what meets with God's approval, methinks.

The Gnat said...

Well then, she is next Joe Plumber thrust into a high profile role l;acking any qualifications. Kinda like Caroline Kennedy. . . YORF

Xmastime said...

maybe she and Bristol Palin can start a comedy duo