Thursday, May 28, 2009

The GOP isn't Leaving Anytime Soon

There's a lot of hand-wringing by the right re: "Is the GOP Done?" these days. As if the whole damn party is gonna go away, defeated forever. Which I just don't see happening - let's be honest; as long as there is a good chunk of the population that believes in fairy tales, they'll always have a base. I mean, which one SOUNDS better if you ask someone on the street?

"We're gonna have the greatest country in the history on the world! But you're gonna hafta actually, you know, PAY for it."

"We're gonna have the greatest country in the history on the world! AND you won't hafta pay a DIME for it! No taxes!!!"

Obviously the second one SOUNDS more attractive. You'll always have enough stupid people falling for this; throw in keeping your guns/the sanctity of the unborn and your precious hetero marriage, and I refuse to believe the GOP won't be in good enough shape to mount a comeback.

Of course, at no point do these fairy-tale believers actually ask the GOP to be accountable. I mean, for all their talk has abortion gone away? Nah. And while haltingly so, gay marriage is inevitable.

And the biggest pipe dream of all, the Utopia of "Land of No Taxes!" is never gonna happen either. Your taxes may dip, they may rise, but they're never going to disappear enough to be able to applaud Santa Reagan for getting rid of them once and for all, or even in a very noticeable way. I would suggest that instead of investing one's time and energy in the Easter Bunny one accepts that he/she will be paying taxes, and then actually demand they be put to good use.

But instead, people just keep falling for this time and time again; their own Charlie Brown to the GOP's Lucy with the football. And so the GOP will always have enough idiots to prey on come election time. Ironically, it's because of their old disparaging line about Democrats: "Republicans Fall in Line, Democrats fall in love" - luckily for the GOP, there will always be about 25% of the voters who are eager to fall in line AND love....for wasteful fantasies that will never come true.


The Gnat said...

Wait a second! I constantly counterpoint you and call the Democrats' stupid lies to the people "lollipop dreams" and the "magic of the leprechaun" and what not. Now you rip me off and post a beautiful unicorn. Beyond our obvious political and philosophical differences, you are what the 80s rappers called a "rhyme biter." For shame - do I need to quit my job and start my own blog?

Xmastime said...

yes!! you should! :)

The Gnat said...

Dammit - gotta pay bills instead.