Monday, May 04, 2009

I Guess Somebody Had to Fill Up a Page with Words Today

Jeffrey Rosen wrote an article titled The Case Against Sotomayor, with the money quote:
I haven’t read enough of Sotomayor’s opinions to have a confident sense of them, nor have I talked to enough of Sotomayor’s detractors and supporters, to get a fully balanced picture of her strengths.

Matt Yglesias is miffed that this dude has doubts about Sotomayor's intelligence:
Really it seems to me that when you see a person who appears to be qualified in all the normal ways, you owe that person a presumption that she’s up to the job. I recall a lot of issues being raised during the Samuel Alito confirmation fight, but at that time I don’t remember anyone raising questions about the intelligence of a Princeton/Yale Law graduate who’d done time on a Appeals Court. Maybe we should make the two of them both take IQ tests or something?

I don't really know why Yglesias didn't jump more on the fact that in a pre-emptive "she can't be picked cause she's not intelligent enough" article the guy went out of his way to mention that he hasn't really bothered to read enough from her or speak to enough of the right people to form a real opinion, but he will blast her anyway. Wouldn't that be like me arguing against Manny Ramirez being elected to the MLB Hall of Fame while saying oh by the way I never saw him play and have no idea what his numbers are?

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