Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm a Genius (Duh)

One cool thing about having a blog of my own is that it sometimes shows me that I'm even more brilliant than I had already thought. For instance, a few months ago I wrote that although his presidency will reign forever as the shittiest of the shitty, I said that Bush the GUY would come to be likable:
Like I was saying - if you don't actually have to live under Bush and be directly affected by him being such a shitty president, it's easy to see a video like this one and think well, he seems to be trying. He's kinda bumbling, and he has to do some "re-takes," but he seems somewhat sincere, and nice. He seems perfectly likable here...

As time goes on I'm sure Bush's approval rating will edge up slightly, much like a ballplayer whose Hall of Fame numbers go up for no apparent reason. Make no mistake - he still will be viewed as one of if not THE worst presidents ever. He deserves his ranking. But if they play their cards right, coupled with our natural tendency to soften with age, it's possible to turn Bush back into a somewhat likable guy.

According to THIS GUY, the softening/liking is already happening. I didn't picture it happening this quickly; but then again I didn't assume Dick Cheney would launch himself into some supremely buffoonish media-hogging cartoon nonsense that makes Bush look better and better the longer he stays tucked away in Texas with his mouth shut. Bush's downfall as president may have been his surrounding himself with people even dumber than himself, and now it looks like his resurgence in popularity may come from the exact same reason.

But mostly, let's simply remember that Xmastime is a goddam genius.

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