Friday, May 29, 2009


So tonight Dubyanuts and Bill Clinton are going to “debate.” I use quotes because 1) it’s not a real debate of back and forth apparently, just statements directed at a moderator. Yawn. And also 2) I sense that Clinton has a soft spot for Bush; maybe cause he's close to his Pop now. I feel Clinton would not go for the jugular, and will just be palsy-walsy with him.

But I can't help but notice that the 're doing it on JFK's birthday. Who was killed in Dallas. Where Dubyanuts now resides.

Now, I'm not saying he shot Kennedy. I have no proof. But I hafta admit that I also have no proof that he DIDN'T shoot him. I mean, this is a guy for whom there's 18 months during which we have no idea of what he did or where he was. Can I really say I know exactly where he was on November 22, 1963? No, I cannot. So I’d hafta say the odds that he WAS there right now are the same that he WASN’T there.

Again - I don't wanna cause mass hysteria by saying Dubyanuts shot JFK. But the more I type, the more likely it seems. I feel like I need to demand Bush prove he DIDN'T shoot Kennedy. And that makes me sad :(

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