Friday, May 15, 2009


Because whenever Marley speaks I leap in the air, click my heels while clapping like a hummingbird I just now found myself over at The American Spectator, where apparently Ben Stein has a running diary (pun intended) to track his bowel movements, prostate exams etc. Now, I doubt Ben Stein and I really agree on much, but that's fine (and why I'm at his mag's website in the first place.) He is a pro-life conservative Nixon apologist who once compared an Obama campaign rally to Nuremburg. But I can live with all that, who cares; dude was on The Wonder Years for fuck's sake.

But one thing I am NOT okay with is WHEN SOMEBODY FUCKING RIPS OFF MY #1 GUY!!!!!

Naturally, about 10 minutes before landing in Fresno, the kid fell into a deep sleep. "

Fuck with the Cos....then you fuck with ME!!!

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