Friday, May 15, 2009

Let's See If I Can Make It Through This Post Seeming As If I Give a Shit

Michael Phelps is back in the pool!!! Thank god; how much has this swimming season sucked so far without him? I’m over at RRTHUR’s (yes ladies, THAT RRTHUR) watching the damn swimming games every night, doing beer bongs and waving my big foam SWIMMERS DO IT IN THE POOL finger around,and we’re all like “geez...ain’t the same without Phelps, is it?” Sure we all still watch on tv and our mock fantasy swim league draft was fun, but something was missing. But not anymore!!!!

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

Dude, that was hilarious in last year's draft when you acidentally picked Cullen Jones over Phelps!