Sunday, May 10, 2009

Madoff = Madeoff = Oh, You're Rich? Please Let Me Help You!!

This is interesting:
Struggling victims of Ponzi swindler Bernie Madoff could be eligible for a quick $500,000 payout if they can prove they're unable to pay their bills...Victims who can show they're having trouble paying for food, housing, medical care or other necessities will be pushed to the head of the line so they can immediately receive a payout from a federally backed fund for swindled investors.

First of all, I had no idea my taxes even went to such a fund. And doesn't this fly in the face of our collective "pull yourself up by your bootstraps, we don't need charity!!!" credo?

Oh, and maybe there's something wrong with my Google - could someone please send me a link to a video of Rick Santelli screaming with outrage about the Madoff victims being "losers" who deserve no such sympathy nor help?

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