Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pelosi Cont.

Matt Yglesias seconds what I said the other day about Pelosi and torture HERE today:
The whole series of recent attacks on Nancy Pelosi has been a bit bizarre. Whether you love torture or despise it, and whether you believe Pelosi or not, there’s just no way of looking at the history of torture in America in which Pelosi comes out as anything other than a bit player.

As I said the other day HERE:
Let's calm the fuck down and not get distracted by the icing when we need to be worried about the cake.

Here is some cake.

SIDE NOTE: I like how they blur her eyes. Like "gee, I know a lot of women who weight 900lbs, if only I could see her fat eyes...dammit, who IS this?!??!?!"

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