Saturday, May 16, 2009

Knock It Off!! Joe the Guy You Call to Fix your Shitter Needs to Focus!!!

Joe the Plumber standing in front of a camera and saying something completely fucking stupid is about as surprising these days as when I loudly announce "hey, I like pizza!" while picking at my balls. But I can't shake his dudes kissing "throws me off" line.

Coming home from work on the train today I was sitting there, minding my ownz, and some high school couple got on, stood across from me, and proceeded to start making out. And you can't help but notice, and it's a little distracting, and a little weird. Now, this is a guy and a girl; not two dudes. But they're right in front of me. But finally I'm like well, what the fuck do I care. I'm just sitting here doing nothing.

So I'm wondering what the fuck Joe the Plunger is doing that's so important he gets "thrown off" by dudes kissing. He's cracking logarithms? Figuring out what the fuck is going on on Lost? (hint - Charlie gets cancer, Bailey's a drunk and the lil violin girl grows up to be BANGING hot.)

Yes, I'm sure more than once people in the vicinity have heard Joe snapping "DAMMIT guys! I'm moments away from discrediting the String Theory, could you knock it off for two fucking seconds???!!!" I'm almost positive he's pretty much never standing there, waiting for his hair to grow back and staring into space.

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