Monday, May 18, 2009

Shit Kitchen

Much is being made of how "fancy" the cooking for the homeless is getting. I guess we don't want people who live on streets and have to suffer the humiliation of having to ask for free food in a very public way to start thinking they're better than you or me. Hmm.

But then I read what they're eating, and it's like are we PUNISHING the homeless???!
A recent meal served at the Meet Each Need with Dignity (MEND) kitchen in Pacoima, Calif., included pumpkin soup seasoned with browned butter and sage, red-wine barbecue beef on handmade puff pastry, artichoke hearts with meatballs marinara, roasted-garlic-and-turnip mashed potatoes, all topped off with fresh blueberries and sour cream.

Fucking christ. Pumpkin soup? Artichoke hearts? TURNIPS in the mashed potatoes????? And then, just to make sure dessert is ruined, crapping sour cream on the blueberries? WTF?

I don't care what the $$ is as much as I'm horrified re: what we're making this people eat. I'd rather eat my own "WILL FIST SQUIRRELS FOR FOOD" cardboard sign. Fucking hell.

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