Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Things are Maybe Looking Up

According to The Comics Examiner, the recession may be nearing an end thanks to a recent strip:
Could it be? Sure, you've no doubt seen prognosticators and stock pickers begin to throw the idea of an improving economy at the wall, just to see if it sticks. But it's long been my theory that until we start seeing better times within the panels of our favorite comic strips, it just ain't so.

After all, we've seen the husband in "Pajama Diaries" get downsized, even noticed Hi Flagston worrying about the stability of his current post (What does he do again except leave all the real work of raising a family to his wife, Lois). Wall Street might know what's coming, but until Main Street feels it, it's all just Captain Nemo in Slumberland, if you ask me.

But in today's "Blondie" - arguably the bellwether for the quality of family life - Dagwood Bumstead notices that his stock portfolio has fallen LESS than it has normally from week to week. I take this as a positive sign - if the Bumsteads are feeling less anguished about the economy, then maybe you too can find a little breathing room. Of course, Dagwood's finances are imaingary. Yours are not.

And yes, I'm thinking the exact thing as you are about Dagwood's wife. (except without any of that German scat-play; not into that stuff, sorry shit-ladies)

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