Friday, May 15, 2009

This Is What I've Become

On the way to work this morning it occurred to me that my Dad turned 18 in Dec 1960, meaning he missed being able to vote for JFK by one month. Jeez, I thought, that sucks for someone in Massachusetts, surely in the shadow of all things Kennedy Youth at the time. That’s too bad.

Then I’m like hold used to look out the window and think about Linday/Dina Lohan threesomes; now you’re musing about how your father might’ve voted in an election almost half a century ago? REEally? That’s it, you’ve totally given up?

Jesus. Twas all I could do to conjur up some images of Audrina doin some anal fingerblasting.

AND I’m pretty sure the voting age then was 21 anyways.

What a wasted fucking morning. Grrr.

"Hey, thanks anyway....dumbass."


Anonymous said...

the voting age was changed from 21 to 18 in 1971. Go back to thinking about the Lohans.

BayonneMike said...

Was Kennedy really that great? The more I read about him, the more he comes off as a bit of a sleaze. Ever read about his three-way in Cuba when he was still a Senator and still associating with the mob?

Xmastime said...

im not really talking about his presidency; just the excitement id imagine it would be to vote for him as a young man in massachusetts

Nerdhappy said...

BayonneMike doesnt love JFK?!? Whooda thunk it?