Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Torture Punishments

Anyone who dreams for more than 2 seconds that Bush and Cheney will somehow be punished are out of their gourds; men that rich and powerful and connected simply do not get punished by the likes of us. Will not happen. No matter what evidence comes out, Bush will be watching old videos of himself clearing brush and Cheney will be getting paid to show up on tv whenever he wants. Just a fact.

So I would think the way to go would be to go from bottom to top instead of vice-versa - corruption at the top will never die; there will always be presidents asking people to carry out illegal dealings for themselves. The key is to make sure that some dude making $100/k a year knows that if he blindly follows orders from the White House that entail breaking the law he is screwed, and it's really not worth his while. He needs to know that "I was just doing what I was told" does not always hold water when the whip comes down. Make him know that it's in his own best interest to either say "no," or resign.

The ironic thing about the Bush years is that I think in the end we'll have learned more about what to do and what not to do in government than in any other 8-year period in recent memory. A forced reckoning brought on by such incompetence and corruption it's causing everybody to step back "whoa, whoa....WHOA."

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