Monday, May 04, 2009


This morning when I saw this Sully article I thought okay, rape and torture, thats a good analogy.

But it gnawed at me, and now I must say.

Torture, BY DEFINITION, is a tool. Whether or not you agree with Bush on torture, there's nobody in America who would not agree that by definition torture is a tool to gain information. However nefarious it may be, there is at least a point to torture. Even if it does not work.

Can we say the same about rape? Does anybody clear-headedly rape someone else in the interest that they'll gain anything else (much less information)? No. Maybe power; but it's the same power that would be gained if the person showed up with a gun.

I don't know a woman I could not overpower physically and stick my dick in her; is that the same as torture? No. But it is rape.

My point is that rape could happen anywhere, anytime, by anyone. Torture has to be advocated by the state and officially sanctioned. Do we want to be that state?


Anonymous said...

Organized crime has resorted to torture in a pinch. I don't think they're state sanctioned.

Xmastime said...

i prolly could've made my point more succintly on a more pure rational/irrational standpoint.

and i think if youre gonna defend torture by using the "organized crime does it" argument youve already lost

Anonymous said...

I'm not defending torture by any means. Just poking a little hole in your argument.