Friday, May 22, 2009

Tweety Bird

Yglesias writes HERE about the proliferation of media outlets giving politicians as much space as they want whenever they wanna open their mouths.
Consequently, journalism has become much more dependent on politicians and much more willing to just broadcast what important people say.

Back in April HERE I wondered how such access would affect voters' choices, now that anything and everything a politician says is pretty much made public - both the stupid, and the really stupid.

And it's fairly well-known by now that although the GOP has disregarded science and still is unaware of the internet, they have lunged in lockstep to Twitter.

So how long til the single-most compulsive, act-now-without-thinking-oh shit, now it's out there device invented (yet), combined with the gaffe-tastic talents of the Republicans (Michael Steele in particular being the Ryan Adams of the gaffe, putting out one asinine thing before we've had a chance to catch our breath from the last) makes for a "tweet" akin to some teenager's drunken texts? Scandalous, racist, sexist, "naked kidz R hott" etc?

Looking forward to the inevitable!

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