Friday, May 29, 2009

What the World Needs: Another Fugly Bitch with Nothing to Fucking Do. Awesome.

Because I’m a complete homo who works for a completely homo mag, I stumbled upon an article about the Iraq jerkoff from Real World: Brooklyn. And I see he’s dating Baya, who was the only even remotely cute chick from the cast. Most years, she woulda been maybe the third hottest GUY, so.

Anyways for some reason I went to see if there were any pics online to “post a letter” to, wink wink, and I found her “official website.” Which includes her "Calendar of Events." I guess this is her way of telling us don't call her on the phone and wake her up, cause May is when she curls up in a furry loser ball and hibernates. SSSSShhhhhhhh!

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