Monday, June 01, 2009

Bush the Former

Nicolle Wallace, whoever the hell that is, is marveling re: "is Bush our classiest ex-president":
Friends and former advisers who have spent time with him recently report that he’s “more relaxed than they’ve seen him in years” and “truly at peace” with life as a “former.”

But I don't know why this would be a surprise to anyone; Bush has always been better at being a "former" anything. Better "former" drinker than actual drinker. Better "former" Ivy League student than actually Ivy League student. Better "former" oil man than actual oil man. And now a better "former" president than actual president. So this should be no surprise. Of course, it would be nice if the person leading the country for almost a decade is good AT DOING ACTUAL THINGS. So.

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