Monday, June 01, 2009


If the Big 3 wanna succeed, handing out more money to the same ones who got them into this mess is not the answer. Get someone in there who’s gonna figure the shit out – smaller cars, bigger cars, electric cars, whatever. I don’t know and I don’t care - but the path they're going on now will only lead to more failure. If not bailing them out (again) is what it's going to take to get them to change direction, along with the public knowing they're in the shit and INSISTING they change things, then that's just how it is. Change or go away, give someone else a chance to get things right. This is THE industry wherein passing or failing will be felt both by the industry and the American people in a visceral/cultural way. - XMASTIME, HERE on Nov 17 2008

Of course, since I'm the fucking mack-daddy of getting things right, GM is pretty much laying on it's back like an overturned cockroach. Instead of putting me in charge, not only have they failed (again), but we've pissed away more time and money (again.)

As hard as it is for someone who once used to hafta drive an hour to buy a pair of socks, I can imagine how hard it is for our culture to even dream that the invention of the car was a mistake. But has there ever been a more stealthily destructive thing we all love so much? We love our cars, we worship them, we sing songs about them and we equate "having a car" with "freedom." A lot of people got to first base in a car. Hell, dozens of chicks lost their bareback anal double penetration virginity on the back of my '78 Ford Fiesta, heh heh heh.

And yet cars have spent the last century causing wars thanks to oil, fueling global warming, isolating people from each other, congesting entire cities, killing about 50000 people, and retarding real progress with public transportation on a larger scale (during which we all could be doing productive stuff as reading/working instead of staring at a window for hours.) At what point does the bad outweigh being able to drive to Cinn-a-bun?

It's been a hundred years; maybe now's the time to move on? Or of course we could go back to the same industry again and again; our Tina to it's Ike.

Luckily for us, my good buddy Charlie Daniels the Goddam Retard has provided comic relief in his latest post from today HERE:
The government has taken over major ownership in the automobile business, which practically guarantees they will miserable failures.

OH NO! Charlie's worried! Now that Obama has his mitts on the auto industry, it won't continue to be WILDLY successful anymore!!! Nooooooooooooo!!!!! Someone warn the USFL before Obama gets his paws on it and fucks it up!!!!!!!!!

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