Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Ta-Nahisi Coates HERE over-rationalizes himself re: Palin's heat. I'm sorry, but the #1 reason we're still talking about her is that she's hot as shit. Period. He can do the ol' Palin vs. Ferraro thing all he wants - theoretically he's right, but there's a reason we have Pam Oliver on the sideline of a Steelers-Ravens game instead of (insert the thousands of NFL players that have vocal cords here.)

Coates thinks his cool, easy-going above-it-all PC journalism will lend himself credibility. but he's wrong - including his Hillary reference. Hillary got the momentum she got cause she was the (beleagured?) wife of a 2-term president. I'm sorry, but if she showed up from outta nowhere in her pantsuits and brains? Wouldn't beat Marty Markowitz in a primary.

Honestly - do YOU really think you'd be talking about Sarah Palin if she wasn't an ex-beauty queen MILF? No, you wouldn't.

1 comment:

ope said...

agreed. shits getting silly.