Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Growin' Up

The first US detainee from Gitmo has been flown to the US for trial, and guess where he is? New York City. Which is interesting, cause I thought the Northeast was a bunch of crumpet-eating faggy French-wanna be elitists. Where's the outrage from "the Real America" over this? Shouldn't they be pissed they don't get a crack at this guy with one of their precious guns, doing the work of Jesus? And why isn't a small island with 8 million people on it taking to the streets in panic over this?

Oh, that's right - as a city that was, you know, actually attacked, we're not inclined to act like inbred dumbasses who believe that as soon as the detainee sets foot on US soil a rift between dimensions will be created, therein allowing the evil warlord Skeletor to travel to Eternia, and set his sights on the ancient Castle Grayskull, the 'fortress of mystery and power'. Shew!

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