Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Healthcare Nonsense

Early this morning I was rolling my eyes as some GOP jackoff was "horrified!!" at the thought of government having a hand in healthcare, therein knocking off balance the "free market" healthcare system. I will find it easier to take such an argument seriously when the very same people who make this claim re: healthcare are NOT the greatest cheerleaders for the single greatest monopoly on Earth, our military (close second: Seymour Butt's Buttman series. Is it even possible to crack the anal fisting dvd field at this point?)

Then I get to work and see Newt Gingrich say THIS:

“No government bureaucrat has the right to take from you the rights that God gave you, and rationing under health care is inevitably limiting your life at the whim of a bureaucrat and at the manipulation of a politician.”

It's hard to wrap my head around how nonsensical this is. What "God-given rights" is he talking of - my God-given right to work for a corporation that gives me healthcare? That exactly NOBODY is threatening to take away should the government start their own healthcare program? Really? 

Also, this painting of how AMAZING heathcare is now is laughable. Oh I'm sorry, there's no bureaucrats in the way right now? How many "my health insurance company was AWESOME!" stories do you hear about? Or do you hear more soul-crushingly terrible ones; maybe a bureaucrat deciding that since the illness started 30 seconds before coverage kicked in they don't have to pay? Those phone calls to your insurance companies are amazingly smooth, are they? Oh no, nobody's ever at the "whim" of these people, are they?

Anyone who has a gushing story to tell about how wonderful their health insurance was in a time of need, please feel free to send your story to me, and I will post. Of course I have a feeling re: how many of these stories I'll be getting.


watty said...

i cringe at the repercussions as I write this, but who's gonna pay for the "universal health care"?

Xmastime said...

a la RFK:
During a speech at the Indiana University Medical Center, one of the students called out: “Where are we going to get the money to pay for all these new programs you’re proposing?” Kennedy replied: “From you."

watty said...

good lord, that was fast.

i've officially started my "I'm Leaving the US" job search campaign. Any recommendations welcome.

Xmastime said...


whoops, caps. sorry.

Nerdhappy said...

Admittedly I dont know enough about this, but I am pretty sure that the US Healthcare system as it stands now is not even in the top 20 worldwide. On top of that, there are tons of other countries with successful universal health care programs, so the models are out there.

Nerdhappy said...

Oh sorry, to answer Watty's question:

All the Christians who want to be like Jesus and care for their fellow man will pay for this. ;)

Xmastime said...

it's a strange thing to see; everyday working-class people rooting for insurance companies to be protected so as to keep ripping them off. something that has become very "American", unfortunately.

watty said...

and getting to pay more taxes for healthcare on top of my existing health care costs...yay america!!

I'd rather be watching triumph videos? i hope he makes the trip to LA soon.

Xmastime said...

you can opt out, and get the govt plan. actual competition a little "too real" for you free-market lovers? :)

still baffled re: why Triumph doesnt have his own show!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

John Stagliano was the creator of the Buttman series, not Seymour Butts. Get your porn facts straight, bro.

Xmastime said...

hello, BallBuster! :)