Tuesday, June 02, 2009

History Books

Will be interesting to see how the history books will treat the abutting juxtaposition of the Clinton/Bush years. Eight years of peace and prosperity under the watch of someone who rose from nothing and really was the fulfillment of some sort of the American Dream based entirely on his own merits; then eight years of completely shitting the bed under another man whose rise to power was based soley on being born into the right family. Fascinating to me that these two were back-to-back like they were, along with the results. Will this be something for history to reflect upon?

PS - YEEEES right-wingers, I KNOW everything that went wrong under Bush is 10000000% Clinton's fault; and everything that went right for Clinton is to be completely credited to Reagan. I know, I know. Save your fingerprints for another day.


The Gnat said...

Gosh, who was that PS for? After all, I am Your Only Republican Friend. Why is always about the ad hominem attacks with you dirty liberals? YORF!

Xmastime said...

well, a coupla hundred people read this every day. i'd hate to think youre the only Republican. SOMEone thinks a bit much of himself!!!! YODF!