Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Sigh. Fucking Christ.

Oh, goody. Giving away the store some more.

For 4 decades, Republicans hold power in the NY State Senate.
January 2009 - Democrats gain control.
June 2009 - Democrats desperately hurl power back to Republicans, crumbling under the weight of having the power to actually enact the policies they've built their political careers on. Awesome.

The apparent straw-breaking issue? Same-sex marriage. New York is now behind Iowa when it comes to corn, giving birth to Tom Arnold, and equal rights. Again: Awesome.

The thing that sucks is the Democrats SUCK at being the minority! At least the GOP spends their days as the minority entertaining us with an endless series of racist, batshit "what the fuck?" quotes. They don't give a shit what they say, they know the same dumb voters will elect them anyways, and they sit in the back of the classroom as if Sweathogs...if the Sweathogs were devoid of brains and intentional humor.

The Democrats in the same scenario just chew grass and mewl like babies. No fucking fun.

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