Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Supreme Thoughts, by Xmastime

When I was a young buck I played with my dick a lot, and I wondered why the Royal succession dictated King-King's oldest son-THAT son's oldest son, instead of King-King's oldest son-King's second oldest son, etc. Now that I'm old, I play with my dick a lot and wonder why whenever the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court steps down or dies, he is replaced by someone who has never been a member of the Supreme Court before. I'm sure there's a reason, but wouldn't your first thought be that the top slot would slide automatically to the judge with the most experience?

Anyways. I know I'm an idiot, and there's a good reason. Not really even interested in what that reason actually is. Thinking aloud, fucking sue me!!!!!

Here's some Xmastime for ya.

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