Tuesday, June 02, 2009


I've written here many times what a thrill it is to have a team you can watch and follow every day; something I didn't have as a kid. You get so intimately attached to your team you could pick out who's at the plate by glancing at a silhouette of their stance if you needed to. Well. For whatever reason that would be.

But the downside is that when you follow the team so hard every day a "can't see the forest for the trees" things sets in, and between the sports radio gossip and the injuries and the too much time spent creating absurd "what-if" scenarios you would think you're team is in last place and doing so awfully they're being asked to leave the league. Hell, a favorite past-time of Yankee fans recently has been to marvel at how brilliant the Red Sox organization is while shaking our heads re: how did the dumbest people in the world come to be in charge of the Yankees? Every walk, every hit surrendered, every dumbass caller on the phone wondering why we don't trade Cody Ransom for Manny Ramirez and Albert Pujols, and you find yourself thinking jesus christ, what're we, 1-50?

But then you wake up and you realize you're in first fucking place. And a lot of teams (including the "genius!" Sox) aren't. And you realize the absurdity of the minute-by-minute panicking nonsense.

It's a long season. By this time next week the Yanks/Sox could be reversed in the standings. But for fuck's sake; we're not the worst team in the world just cause everybody has so much free time to sit around and think up such nonsense.


Nerdhappy said...

1st Place means nada. Just rings baby.

Kiko Jones said...

Spot on.

Last night I had to remind the usual whining suspects--on a Yankee blog--the team had just won 5-2; Joba was great (perhaps his best outing of the season); Mo pitched a flawless 9th; the team reached the 18 errorless games mark: a new MLB record; just completed a winning road trip; and most importantly YANKEES in 1st PLACE, ONE GAME OVER THE DREAD SUX!

Yeah, mistakes were made, but please, can't these people get past it and be happy for a change? There will be plenty to bitch about when they screw up AND lose. Can we just enjoy the team right now?