Tuesday, July 21, 2009

1978 Ford Fiesta

1) August 16, 1989 - Bought my first car. Was a 1978 Ford Fiesta. I believe it was made out of Pepsi cans and…Diet Pepsi cans. Bought the thing for $400 from my friend Ryan, though I could have had it for $350 had my irrational fear of water not made me chicken out of riding on a jet ski. Of course I later found out that Ryan paid about ½ that when he bought it, but hey. I had some wheels. I remember it had an electric fuel pump, so it constantly made ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba sounds while I was cruising the strip for trim, and it also smelled like maple syrup. Well, maybe that was me. Amazingly enough, it had a sun roof. I have no idea how that came to be. Also a sound sytem that was worth WAY more than the car itself, complete with a separate equalizer. This was hot shit back in 1989, people. Also I managed to go about 8 months with no working tail lights or brake lights, which was overshadowed by the fact that my muffler was unattached on one end and was literally dragged around for about 2 months, sparks flying. Of course after I finally had it fixed my father casually mentioned that the sparks could’ve ingnited the gas tank and blown me to bits. Thanks pop! My girlfriend hated this car, she maybe rode in it twice. Which was great – I’d go to pick her up, start walking towards my car until I’d hear the inevitable “…ummm...let’s take my car.” Bling! That’s gas money in my pocket, which is no joke when you’re paying 96 cents a gallon and your car only gets 60 miles to the gallon, peeps!! Actually that was smart on her part, as it left more money for me to spoil her with at Pizza Hut. Smart girl (obviously – she dated me!!)

And now that Ford has found that little tidbit, looks like I'm who they're using for the newest Fiesta:
ANTONELLA is an attractive 28-year old woman who lives in Rome. Her life is focused on friends and fun, clubbing and parties.

Hmm. Gee, THAT'S weird.

Attractive: CHECK!!
Focused on friends and fun: CHECK!
Can fuck your titties from across a desk: CHECK!!
Clubbing and parties: DOUBLE CHECK!!!!

Geez. Speaking of check, Ford: where's mine???!!!


Gina said...

my Taurus had that syrupy sweet stink and I took it in to the shop. they served me up a load of crapcakes about me spilling something on the floor, but it later turned out to be crack in the head gasket. Antifreeze has that sweet smell.

Xmastime said...

lets keep the language PG rated, please.