Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The House voting 378-0 on a bill that included affirming that Obama was born in America after the Right spent a few weeks with all the Birther nonsense makes me wonder what would have happened if on Day 1 Obama had thrown down the gauntlet: here's my healthcare bill, fucking pass it. I know that one is a country/culture-shifting bill while the other is mostly nonsense, but maybe there is something to the way that Congress actually votes as opposed to the way they can stall for time so as to fear-monger/feign indignation while preening for tv cameras, and I'm guessing one is better for their own fund-raising come election time than the other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama's birth record is completely sketchy. Unlike many of you libs who think he sprung forth from Zeus's head, I think he is still covering up a "technicality" which has its insignificant origins in THE FRIKKIN CONSTITUTION. SOme of it is Hawaii's fault. But BO also has a sketchy use of up to 50 different SSNs over the years which further cloud his birth record. By then writing a law that glosses over all of this, we see the true nature of Obama - don't ask questions, just do what I say and everybody will be fine (smile)(wink). 50 million of us idiots don't agree, just as 49 million of you didn't when Bush was running things.