Monday, July 20, 2009


I think today is a pretty good time to remind ourselves that if allowed to put in place the best and brightest among us instead of incompetent people who have greatly impressd us with how much they pretend to believe in a fairy in the sky, the government can do amazing things.


Gina said...

the last and most important thing most of your best and brightest will do when their plane is spiraling toward the earth do is cry out to GOD. AKA your fairy in the sky.

Nerdhappy said...

Nothing wrong with faeries. The problem is with people who "pretend to believe" vs those who actually do.

Anonymous said...

Stick it up your asses with the God shit. You know who's watching over you as your plane falls from the sky? No one. Is it a miracle if you survive? No, it's luck. You know what happens when you die? Nothing. Live your fucking life.

Gina said...

glass half empty, is it?