Sunday, July 12, 2009

Anybody Got Any Ideas for a Great Reality Show? Anyone? Me, I Got Nothing...Drawing a Blank...

1 comment:

Gina said...

i can't believe this... just tonight I was the only white chick in the church, or at least the only one to be escorted down to sit with the bereaved. for some reason known only to God, the escort immediately assumed that I was with the family.
my boss was way in the back and motioned for me to join her but the escort insisted I take a front row seat at the memorial. Must have been the 8x10 glossy I had framed for the alter. brought the congregation down. not a dry eye in the house of God, G. though i knew them not, they were family.
my boss later said the scene reminded her of something out of the Jerk. I was born a poor black child. it was AMAZING Grace. What a service. If you ever get the chance to visit Asbury, St Steves is rockin! THe pastor later invited us back. Can't wait. Now what were you sayin about Clinton?