Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This dude has worked his guts into twisted knots over the last few days re: atheism vs. anti-theism. Not only do I consider myself to be an atheist, but I see anybody who's "anti-theist" as being on the same level as anyone on the "God Squad" - you proving to me that there is a god will produce the same results as me trying to prove there's isn't a god: zilch. It's not gonna happen; we should be able to shake hands and accept that we believe in two different things (I almost said "opposite things"...does the absence of existence disqualify something from being the "opposite" of anything?) I feel like the frustration of people claiming their belief in something that is impossible to prove as being their "character" or "family values" come election time should be saved for another post (true or false - the number of people that have seen "God" and a UFO is the same number?); in the meantime, I would like to think that as an ATHEIST and not an ANTI-THEIST, I am a little more understanding. Then again, I've spent the last paragraph patting myself on the back, so fuck me too.


Nerdhappy said...

If you acknowledge that you cant prove either, doesnt that make you agnostic?

Arent we are all agnostic, whether we admit it or not?

Xmastime said...

very true. i just have a soft spot for those who believe...i'm rooting for them.

Kiko Jones said...

yeah, but those who believe probably don't enjoy bon mots like "fucking christ", etc.