Friday, July 03, 2009

Bye Bye, My Sweet Pussy

Calling into Fox News after the announcement, Bill Kristol said, "If I had to guess, we just saw the opening statement of the 2012 campaign."

I don't know what's worse for the GOP, Palin's (supposedly) saying she won't run for president, or that they still have Bill Kristol acting as their mouthpiece despite not having gotten a single thing right since he learned to speak.

I would for their sake hope that the party would see Palin resigning as the death knell for their "Let's try to get the dumbest people possible into power" project, and try to find and showcase somewhat sensible people whose sole purpose isn't to say the most embarrassingly stupid shit as possible. Both in their politicians and "pundits." The UG said a similar thing HERE earlier; I guess if the underaged, roofied interns throw enough monkey shit at a typewriter long enough, eventually they'll get something right.

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