Friday, July 17, 2009

Give 'em Zell!

Obama, “our globe-trotting president,” Miller said, “needs to stop and take a break and quit gallivanting all around. I think (chief of staff) Rahm Emanuel ought to get some Gorilla Glue and put it in that chair in the Oval Office and say ‘Sit here awhile.’”

I guess everybody is freaking out about Zell Miller using "Gorilla Glue" here, but I'm not sure why. I mean, Obama is BLACK! And black people LOOK LIKE GORILLAS!!! (to be fair, Obama's more monkey-ish, but same shit, right?) They have sloped foreheads and small brains and swing from trees LIKE GORILLAS!! So what's the problem? In fact, I would be FLATTERED to know that I had a type of glue named after my people. Wtf? Calm down, everybody. Baby gorillas are cute!!!

Ps - anyone else creeped out that the oldest, craziest man in the world knows who Paris Hilton is?

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