Thursday, July 09, 2009

Hope for the GOP

Apparently there is at least one Republican who hasn't become a complete idiot.

Via Sully:
Instead of being policy-based, the GOP leaders apparently think my vote is analagous to rooting for a sports team: somehow, I'm more interested in seeing the party 'win' than 'legislate effectively'.This Palin nonsense took me over the brink: why is my party defending her? What exactly is she doing that adds any value to America? Yet, no one seems ready to denounce her.

Good for this guy.

One side note: I'm seeing more and more GOP "pundits" giddily blathering that Democrats are "terrified" of Palin, that we think that if we don't somehow crush her now with a pile of elitist lies, she will beat Obama in 2012 and move into the White House. I don't have words for how laughable this is; if God appeared and said "choose anyone in the world for the Republicans to run for president", without even pausing to blink every single Democrat would point to Palin. So enough with that nonsense. We're amused with her because she's fun to watch as she twists herself into knots and knots of (usually completely unnecessary) lies; to claim that we are somehow threatened by her is to claim that Angelina is upset that Brad Pitt was seen at an Arby's with Estelle Getty. Please.

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