Monday, July 20, 2009

How Cool ARE These Motherfuckers???!?!?!

One thing that's always cracked me up is that after going to the moon and walking around for 2 hours, the Apollo 11 astronauts re-entered the lunar module and then ... went to sleep for seven hours.


I know they were prolly tire, but what the fuck?!?!?! Jimmy Shithead passes me a note in gym class and I don't sleep for two days, I'm texting my bffs all night, coozing in my Wonder Woman underroos and excitedly chatting about what our house is gonna look like, how many kids we'll have etc etc. Meanwhile these dudes pulled ioff the greatest technical feat in human history, were the first humans to visit another world, ARE STILL ON THE MOON, and decided "you know, it's so quiet here, I should prolly catch some zzzzzzzz's." Awesome.

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