Sunday, July 12, 2009

Huffpo = Worthless

The Huffington Post needs to go; it's worthlessness is transcended only in it's parasitic desperation for fucking money. And nothing equals "failure" much like "open the floodgates to anyone who will join us!!!" I mean really, go to it...number one, it's the worst laid-out website online. Period. Shit looks horrible to navigate. It's a fucking mess - the Drudge Report is a joke as well, but at least it's streamlined. This is 2009, a website should not be a mystery. The Huffington Post is like well, if you make it through the clouds of all of our Alec Baldwin posts, here's another screen that's tough to read...

Within a year this site will have petered out; much like Twitter, it's existence is to be a barracuda while actually adding nothing - as newspapers go away, they will be replaced by things that will make the Huffington Post and Twitter business models look like a joke. Ugh. Absurd.

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