Thursday, July 02, 2009

A Modest Proposal

Illegal immigration is a problem. And finding a new source of energy is a problem. And according to THIS, illegal immigrants are soaking up our energy. I guess my question is, can't we combine the two things to solve them both?

We have wind turbines that create energy, right? So why can't we take these illegals and have them CREATE ENERGY THEMSELVES??? Build a tremendous series of hamster wheels, let the illegals run in them in 8 hours shifts every day, creating FREE!!! energy for the whole country! BLAM! Two problems solved at once. The money we'd save could pay for healthcare, turn every school in the country into the Bronx School of Science, and pay Will Ferrell to not make movies.

You're fucking welcome, America.

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

I helped install the solar panels on the Bronx School of Science, so you're fucking welcome Xmas.