Monday, July 06, 2009

July 4

These are some of the challenges that our generation has been called to meet. And yet, there are those who would have us try what has already failed; who would defend the status quo. These naysayers have short memories. They forget that we, as a people, did not get here by standing pat in a time of change. We did not get here by doing what was easy. That is not how a cluster of 13 colonies became the United States of America.

Obama agrees with ME:
July 4th seems good enough time as any to remind ourselves that we were founded by a group of men who were not satisfied with how things were, who demanded and fought for change and as progressive a society as possible. Ironically, the group of people today who claim to be the most patriotic simply because they want things to never change and lead the league in empty, bellicose rhetoric re: "America is AWESOME!!" would've been on the side of leaving things as they are in 1776, with charges of "traitor!!" being thrown about as they are today.

Happy 4th. I'm exhausted. Some of you ladies know what - aw fuck it. ;)

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