Monday, July 06, 2009


Everybody's all geared up for the fight re: Michael Jackson's kids, and it seems like the natural inclination is to side on the side of his mother. But then I read something like THIS, of which I see:
Words of Jackson's funeral came after his mom, Katherine, lost a round in the battle over The King of Pop's estate. A judge rebuffed her bid to delay the designation of administrators.

Now, obviously I know it's her lawyers/the legal system doing the fighting. But the point is, next year this woman will be 80 years old. 80! A black woman born in Alafuckinbama in 1930, and here we are in 2009 and she has to fucking even think of these things? Really? She has to live out her last years appearing at lawsuits and shit?

I feel like she should be able to say "you know what, it's a fucking miracle I've made it this long, I just lost my son which is fucking killing me, I'm certainly not spending my time worrying about a bunch of lawsuits that're probably gonna fuck me over anyways." I mean, there IS a mother somewhere, right? Nobody's LEGALLY gonna hand these kids over to an 80 year old woman, right? Find the real mother, let her fucking worry about the kids, and give Katherine Jackson whatever peace and quiet we can; she's suffering enough already without all this piled-on bullshit. Burying her son, and she's gotta play the fucking Maury Povich courtroom bullshit. Camon. Unreal.

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