Monday, July 06, 2009


The older you get, the more you realize that no matter what the fuck happens, you're not changing anybody's mind. I mean, how many times have you gotten into an argument over politics with someone wherein at the end one of you said "wow, you know what, you've really turned me around!!"? never. Doesn't happen. As clever and amazing as I think I am here, I go to bed every night knowing I probably changed the minds of zero people, prolly made no real difference.

A coupla weeks ago, I was back at my outrageously backwards hometown, and I found myself on the periphery of a political argument - after listening to these two guys go back and forth, finally the Bush-loving, tax-cutting, bomb-everybody guy turns to me snidely, knowing I'm a left-wing pinko commie, and sneers "well, I guess you've got something to say about that, doncha, you fucking Obama-lover?"

I lowered my newspaper and looked at him for a minute, then another 20 seconds, before finally saying "you've lost more money thanks to Bush than I'll ever make. You have a son who's fighting in a fake war and could die at any second...what the fuck am I gonna say to change you mind?" and went back to my fucking paper.


Anonymous said...

I'll be damned. I was just saying THIS VERY SAME THING on the flight home from PA with Serge. I said, "I don't have anything to say to anyone anymore. What's the fucking point of arguing about anything? Everybody just yaps and yaps to get their big point across but ain't nobody listening. Ain't like you're changing minds and shit."

Besides, I'd far rather talk about Johnny Pie calculating the odds of bedding Troy's girlfriend than politics anyway.


Gina said...

Behold, the beauty of the free world!