Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lou Dobbs

GEORGE: There was no meeting. (gets one of the folding chairs) But it was quite a meeting. You are looking at the next director of Mets scouting. The only thing is, I have to get fired from the Yankees first.
JERRY: You can do that.
GEORGE: Of course. But I really wanna leave my mark this time, you know, uh. I wanna walk away from the Yankees with people saying 'Wow! Now that guy got canned!'
JERRY: So you want to go out in a final blaze of incompetence?
GEORGE: Ehh. (nostalgic) Remember that summer at Dairy Queen where I cooled my feet in the soft-serve machine?

Is it just me, or does Lou Dobbs for some reason WANT to be discredited as a loon and/or fired? Does he have some deal from FOX News waiting for him when he gets canned from CNN? Why else would he still be clinging so tightly to the "Obama wasn't born in America, prolly wants to get rid of NASCAR" birthers claim? Wtf?

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