Monday, July 27, 2009

Michael Vick

My guess is that Michael Vick, after his 6-game suspension, will end up on some mid-level, non-controversial smallish-market team; the team will roll out a campaign of "God forgives, we're giving him a second chance" etc etc. God, it will turn out, also recognizes opportunity when he sees it and will create a cottage industry of Vick jerseys/caps/shot glasses etc, marketing Vick's coming to the team with millions of dollars in advertising/marketing etc. Which is why, after Roger Goodell's feet-dragging re: looking him in the eyes to see if he's really "contrite" fucking nonsense, I hope Vick says "hey, you know what? I'll sit out the next 6 too" and sit back as gate receipts/merchandise/tv etc dry up under the owner's fucking feet. THEN I think the NFL will "suddenly" determine WOW, Vick has already paid his price to society, God is about redemption, let him play! etc etc.

Let the NFL's hypocrisy ring!

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