Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Oklahoma..Really? What the Fuck is Going on With You Guys?

Sen. Jim Inhofe, another genius from Oklahoma like this one, has been deriding Al Franken's being elected to the Senate by calling him a clown.
“I didn’t mean to be disrespectful. I don’t know the guy, but … for a living he is a clown,’’ the senator said.

“That’s what he does for a living.’’

Which, as ThinkProgress points out, is wrong - Franken is a comedian.

But more importantly, Franken was a VERY SUCCESSFUL comedian. The odds of rising to the level of success Franken has in what is actually one of the world's hardest fields are, apparently, much tougher than becoming an elected official from Oklahoma. Also, Inhofe apparently didn't have a problem with Bush being a complete failure at everything he had done before becoming president, other than being savvy enough to be born into a hyper-rich and connected family. I guess succeeding at being funny is not as impressive as being a failure at everything else. And I'm sure Inhofe shares his party's psychotic veneration of Ronald Reagan. Who was, of course, an actor.

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