Friday, July 03, 2009

Palin and Gooves

Am I high, or did she just say "the world needs more Trigs"? Ummm...I don't wanna be an asshole here...and I'll refrain from a "aren't there enough retards in the Republican Party?" joke...but actually, no, the world DOESN'T need more "Trigs." In fact, medical science works hard and spends a lot of money so that there are FEWER Trigs. Yes, it's heartwarming and "awwwwwww"-inspiring to say such a thing, and a world filled with retarded people trying to drive cars and try to figure out international banking would be funny, but they're not puppies.

Also I'm confused re: why she spent a coupla minutes patting herself on the back for not spending the tax-payers millions flying around the country like a lame duck. Cause as far as I know, she's NOT a lame duck. But I guess she was planning on running out the rest of her term ACTING like a lame duck. Unbelievable. The way these things roll off her tongue without anyone even noticing is incredible.

Agent: Alright. We have a blue Ford Escort for you Mr. Seinfeld. Would you like insurance?
Jerry: Yeah, you better give me the insurance, because I am gonna beat the hell out of this car.

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