Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Sarah Palin may be dumb as a bag of dicks, but her quitting her job isn't actually dumb. Well, not necessarily "not dumb" as much as "won't matter." First of all, she'll get millions for her inevitable god/country/family/hockey tell-nothing-of-substance book. And secondly, it's not like Republicans voters are particularly interested in finding candidates that are actully qualified to run for president, or have succeeded at anything in life (see Bush 43.) Why get bogged down with state politics when you can be going to steak dinners all over the country or popping up on FOX News, all while "writing" your book? Come election time GOP voters will determine that yes, she's incompetent and disinterested in actual policy enough to let her run for president, allowing her to bellow played-out family values and "real American" nonsense over and over. Her being the mother of a single, teenage mother means she has even failed at practicing "family values," which will put her over the top as being THE choice for Republicans in 2012. She's the perfect GOP candidate - her greatest virtues are her hatred of intelligence and actual competent government, her greatest potential is to bring the country even MORE into the shitter than Bush did to prove even more that government is "worthless, and her being an idiot will let Republicans feign outrage in the snobbery of the "elite media!!!!" pointing out every time she says one of her favorite movies was "Malcom the 10th."

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

Your liberal-based hatred has really peaked. I don't think you even said "I'd hit that" this time.