Monday, July 27, 2009

Poor Man Wanna Be Rich, Rich Man Wanna Be King, and the King Ain't Satisfied Til He Rules Everything

So I guess Bush & Cheney wanted to "test the Constitution" and see if they could stretch their already prodigious powers to include using the military to invade the suburbs of Buffalo. Somewhere, right now, John McCain is saying "We're all Buffalo suburbanites now" with steely eyes into a tv camera.

Anyway, it's telling that here you have the most powerful man in the world and his sidekick, and yet they were anxious to poke and push for even more power, even if nobody was really sure how legal it would be, in an endless search to once and for all claim boundless rule and power. Which, of course, goes directly against the reason America was invented in the first place. Awesome.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those guys really did spit in the face of these Badlands, didn't they.