Thursday, July 16, 2009

Reverse Racism

During the interview Koppel asked Campanis why African-American managers and general managers were virtually nonexistent in the sport. Campanis gave a notorious response: "It's just that they may not have some of the necessities to be, let's say, a field manager, or, perhaps, a general manager."

When Koppel objected, Campanis responded, "I know that they have wanted to manage, and many of them haven't managed. But they are outstanding athletes, very God-gifted and wonderful people … They are gifted with great musculature (sic) and various other things. They are fleet of foot and this is why there are a number of black ballplayers in the major leagues."

Al Campanis spent 44 years in Major League baseball, as a player, scout and general manager. Then one night on Nightline in 1987 he said the above and he was immediately fired, blackballed from baseball for the rest of his life, and will forever remain synonymous with racism.

Meanwhile, I haven't been able to turn on my tv all week without seeing Pat Buchanon blowing a gasket that a Latino woman is about to be a Supreme Court Justice; screaming at the camera that she is not qualified to do a job that should be saved for white males, and that the white race is a victim that needs to protect itself, etc etc. He also is claiming that he guarantees his high school and college grades are better than hers, based solely I guess on her finishing at the top of her class at Princeton. Hmm. Has he been fired? Not at all. He is being shuffled from show to show, cameras sprinting to him to catch his braying. He is becoming more famous and rich by the second because of this. Awesome.

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