Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rich People, Taxes

There's a lot of talk about a surtax on the rich to pay for healthcare, a good chart can be found HERE. Of course I'm all for squeezing whatever we can from the rich ("rich" here being the top 1%, not Joe the Plumber in a universe wherein he makes $250K) - they've profited the most from the country, they can give a little more without feeling it. I know they're "being punished for their success", but guess what? They're still rich, and they're still making exponentially more every day. So camon. Bill Gates is not gonna be moving into my loft anytime soon because of taxes.

But the point is, rich people don't like to cough up their money. Hey, nobody does. But unlike poor people who also don't like to cough up their money, rich people can afford to NOT cough up their money - to the tune of about $80B a year. They make OTHER people rich by using them to find ways to hide their money. So I guess we need to figure out a way to tax rich people without them knowing it.

Don't worry, I'm on it. I'll think of something.

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